Dear Damien High School Community,
I am happy and excited to announce that we have selected a new Principal for Damien High School, having completed a search, which included many very well qualified individuals who have the passion and skills needed to fulfill this role. Dr. Michel-Anthony Castillo, ‘00, has been appointed to the position of Principal of Damien High School. The search committee was impressed with Dr. Castillo’s academic experiences as a teacher, Dean of Curriculum, and Vice Principal. Dr. Castillo combines these experiences with his passion for Damien High School and the charism represented by the Sacred Heart Community and demonstrated by St. Damien. Dr. Castillo will begin his new mission as Principal of Damien High School on July 1, 2020.
Dr. Castillo is a graduate of the Class of 2000, and he has a long and storied history with Damien High School and Pomona Catholic dating back to the 1950’s when his grandmother attended and graduated from Pomona Catholic High School. Additionally, Dr. Castillo’s father, Ron Castillo, Class of ’79 is a current Damien faculty member, and his brother Nicholas was a member of the Class of 2005.
Upon accepting the position of Principal of Damien High School, Dr. Castillo shared the following thoughts.
I am deeply honored to have been entrusted with this leadership opportunity and I am grateful for the chance to return to Damien. While so much may seem uncertain at the moment, I am confident that our work in the spirit of St. Damien will ensure our future success and wellbeing. It is my hope that Damien continues to thrive as a Catholic high school and as a faith community
On behalf of the Damien High School Community, I would like to thank Paul Escala, Superintendent of Schools, and Dan O’Connell, Deputy Superintendent of Schools for their support and assistance in this process. A great deal of appreciation is also given to our Damien Community and all those who participated on the search committee, including faculty, administrators, community stakeholders, and students who participated on interview panels. Please join us in celebrating and supporting Dr. Castillo as he steps into this challenging and exciting position of principal of Damien High School.
Yours in Christ,
Joseph P. Siegmund, PhD.
President – Damien High School
About Dr. Michel-Anthony Castillo, ‘00
Mike Castillo, Ed.D. has been an educator and school leader for sixteen years, primarily within Catholic education. Dr. Castillo began his career as a social science teacher at Damien High School and has since served in a variety of leadership positions including Director of Communications, Summer School Coordinator, and Dean of Curriculum. Since 2017, Dr. Castillo has served as the Vice Principal at Bishop Mora Salesian High School in Los Angeles.
Dr. Castillo received his undergraduate degree in History from Brown University, his Masters in Catholic School Administration from Loyola Marymount University, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership for Social Justice from LMU. He also holds a California teaching credential in Social Science. His dissertation engaged the relationship between Culturally Responsive School Leadership and the development of tuition assistance and community outreach for Latino families within the Catholic school context.
Originally from Chino, CA, Dr. Castillo is a Damien alumnus (Class of 2000). He and his family have a decades-long connection to the Damien/PC community. Alumni include his grandmother, Dolly Castillo (Pomona Catholic High School ‘57), his father, Ron Castillo ‘79, and his brother, Nicholas Castillo ‘05.
Dr. Castillo also comes from a family of educators. His father, Ron, is currently a faculty member at Damien and his mother, Mariam Castillo, served as a classified employee for over 30 years at Chino Valley Unified School District. His wife, Kelly Castillo, Ed.D., is currently a principal for Fullerton School District. Mike and Kelly have been married for 15 years and they have been blessed with one son, Kieran (3).